Are you ready? We are waving goodbye to the cold, still slumber of
winter, once again, as we begin to welcome the Feminine energy of fer-
tility, re-birth, renewal. Ahhhh the Spring Equinox is here to greet us with
its warm, longer and brighter days. The opportunity to embrace the Joy
in birds chirping or the tulips pushing themselves through the ground as
new season greeting us at our doorstep. The Spring Equinox, also known
as 'Ostara' in Pagan tradition is arriving in the Northern Hemisphere.
This date marks the start of the Spring season representing the start of a
new year in some cultures and astrology. On a spiritual level, it is a new
time of growth mirrored in Mother Nature as you see the breath of life
again as she sprouts and blossoms. Just before the Equinox, we will
move into the Full Moon in Virgo on March 18th. Now is the time think
about how you can transform your home and release what no longer is
needed for the coming months ahead, now is time to focus.
Spring Cleaning
Cleaning carries the energy of rebirth and renewal. It is common practice
for a pregnant woman to begin what is called “nesting” just before the
birth of her child.
The definition of nesting is a burst of energy a women gets in the last
few weeks of pregnancy that inspires them to clean and organize the
house in preparation for baby's arrival. This is an instinctual drive that is
prepping for the birth of something and Spring Cleaning mirrors this in
preparation for the birth of Spring.
“To welcome this refreshing + nourishing energy of a new season, we can
cleanse our spaces to bring balance and make room for new beginnings! “
Getting to the Core with Dust Bunnies
Your Spring Cleaning is the time to sweep and clear away winter’s ac-
cumulations of dust and grit. Dust is a mixture of dead skin cells, hair,
clothing fibres, bacteria, dust mites, dead bugs and bits dead of bugs, soil
particles, pollen, and microscopic specks of plastic. This dust has accu-
mulated from the beginning of the colder weather’s onset when we begin
to shut the windows and doors. Trapping in all that dust. Adding to the
problem when the doors and windows are closed, there is less moisture
in the air indoors and the drier air creates and drier skin, adding to the
dust problem. When addressing the spaces that need dusting make sure
you include areas such as the ceilings, upper corners of the rooms, light
fixtures, ceiling fans, underneath beds, behind furniture and around win-
dows. You are now making your home feel brighter and bigger which
creates new positive energy as you open to the possibility this new sea-
Refresh Your Curb Appeal
Your porch and entrances can take a real beating during the long winter
months. Begin with good sweep, then wash down the front and back of
all doors. A good clean out of your winter urn is a must. Stand on the
sidewalk facing the front of your walkway and porch and take a hard
look. Without excuses, notice what needs to be repaired, replaced or re-
newed? Where are the dings in the paint? Address what needs touch
up. Is this the year for a fresh coat of paint anywhere? Your front, side
or back entrance are where you first lay your eyes on your space when
you come home. Think about you want to feel when you walk up and
enter your home. Spring is a great chance to inject a refresh. Add a
new welcome mat.
The Eyes of your Home
Glistening windows will make your house more aesthetically pleasing, re-
moving grit and grime that builds from snow and sleet changes the ener-
gy. When you clean your windows, you remove any negative energy.
Just the simple task of cleaning and opening up the windows to let fresh
air in, cleanses your home in a matter of minutes. Opening windows re-
moves toxic fumes, bad smells. Disinfecting surfaces also rids your
space of negative energy so don’t forget the window sills. Window
cleaning is very important because it helps to remove contaminants and
pollutants that have stuck on the glass and have prevented natural light
from penetrating inside. Glass that goes uncleaned can become hazy or
stained and that will end up costing you in the long run. Maybe make this
your annual inside and outside window clean either by do it yourself or
hire a professional. You will have brighten up and brought in a clearer vi-
Spring Summer in Fall Winter out
The garage or your storage space in your condo is an extension to our
home. We may think that it just houses your seasonal tools, toys and
equipment but it matters. With spring in the air, changing out these items
by bringing forward your gardening tools, lawnmower and bicycles, mak-
ing them more accessible. With these in the for front, its time to look at
the winter tools and toys and put them away. Shovels, salt containers,
toboggans, anything winter/fall moves to the back of your storage. As
you are doing the switch over, take some time to see if anything needs
repair or a cleaning. Anything that needs repair, attention or throwing
out needs to be noted and done as soon as possible. Washing down
your garage, balcony or storage space cleans dirt and grime and will
bring in a feeling of freshness.
Embrace each new season as it brings in a new perspective, new
gifts, new inspirations and possibility. Happy Spring!
HouseCoach Anja